Rock the Dock Benefit Concert Memorial Day Weekend
We have an amazing community! Local businesses and artists, even
DURING a pandemic and AFTER a horrific natural disaster, have come together to
help local children. We have lost Stars & Guitars this year. Our signature
event raises nearly $80,000 annually for our center. This group of amazing
folks are set to try to help bridge that gap for our babies. Attend, contribute
or sponsor. We would LOVE to see you #bethelight for
the CAC and Rock the Dock!!
Thank you to Lawnscapes, Cahall's, Eastern Shipbuilding, Coastal Concrete, Culligan, Hallmark Flowers, Panhandle Engineering, Los Antojitos, First Choice Physical Therapy, Emerald Coast Striping, Bill Cramer Chevrolet, Carr Riggs & Ingram, Allstate Mark McKinney, Carlson Forest Products, BCC Waste Solutions and Counts Real Estate for supporting this event.